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Nick Cousins Profile

Nick Cousins
Ht/Wt: 5' 9"/155 lbs
Position: C
Team: Sault Ste. Marie (OHL)

Nick Cousins' Player Profile

Nick is an undersized player with great hands and vision. He reads the ice well and is a good playmaker, but has the ability to find the back of the net. His soft hands allow him to create in the offensive zone. He is also a guy who likes to get under the skin of his opponents. His "vocal" techniques agitate many, which could be either beneficial or detrimental to his team depending on his timing. He is not a very strong skater and must improve his strength and conditioning immensely if he wants any chance of making it to the next level. Also, he must work on his defensive play and become a better two-way player. He could be a good late round pick in the draft for an NHL team and would have to work very hard to have a shot at ever making a club as a full time player.
Submitted by: Andrew Lepore

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